La Feria de San Blas

La esencia de Bizipoza tours

A Bizipozatour of La Feria de San Andres in Estella Lizarra

La Feria de San Blas

Making Talos. La Feria de San Blas Some photos of The Ferria de San Blas which I took last weekend in Laudio.  Be warned they are not for the faint hearted.  While I am not a strict vegetarian I at least try to buy meat that has come from “happy” animals.  I can’t Vouch for […]

La esencia de Bizipoza tours

Bizipoza tours by filmatu Interview with phil (bizipoza Guide) which speaks to us about the tours by the Basque country. [audio: http://localhost/bizipoza/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/bizipozafilmatu.mp3]